Phoebe started puppeteering whilst working as a volunteer at The Little Angel Theatre where she then went on to both assistant direct and perform in their shows. She works across multiple puppetry forms including: 3 person, small scale, shadow/ohp, mouth flap, VFX, Large scale, table top and object manipulation.
In 2021 Phoebe was part of the Tunbridge wells puppetry festival and her film ‘perspectives’ created on an OHP projector won the rising puppetry talent award.
Phoebe studied puppetry design with Nick Barnes and is currently designing and making puppetry for the Chichester Festival Theatre outreach programmes.
Past Puppeteering Projects:
Dragons and Mythical Beasts
(OlivIER Nomination)His dark Materials, bbc/HBO
Midsummer Nights Dream, Norwich Puppet Theatre
FunnyBones, The Lowry
The Lips UK Tour, Puppets with Guts
Gnomus, Finn Caldwell, Puppets with Guts
Perspectives, Tunbridgewells Puppetry Festival
(Online)The Prism, Les Enfants Terribles
(Online theatre experience)Jess/ Puppeteer, Fulfilment by SharkLegs co.
(Underbelly Ed FRinge, Camden Peoples Theatre, WATERSIDE ArtsJulia/Puppeteer, The Flying Bath, by Samantha Lane for Little Angel Theatre
(UK Tour, Lyric Hammersmith, Horse and Bamboo) 2019. Timeout (****)
Below you can Phoebe’s winning puppetry film ‘Perspectives’ from The Tunbridge Wells Puppetry Festival. This film was all made on one OHP projector during lockdown and is was written, performed and filmed by Phoebe. The music is composed by Lia Todd.